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Linux Commands

Linux commands

Linux commands:
ls : list of all directories and sub-directories.
Pwd : Prints working directory.
top : display cpu and memory utilization
df - h : disk free space in human readable form.
du - k: disk utilization
free -m: How much ram is available.
Ps -ef | grep weblogic display all running process.
tail -50f
wc -1 counts words and lines of textfile.
touch create blank file
keytool -v list check the list ssls
kill -9 to kill the process.
SCP: for secure copy.
vmstat: display virtual memory statices.

1)How to search a string from top to bottom in vi Editor's(String =weblogic)?
A) /weblogic
2)how to save and quit from vi Editor's?
3)what are the Advantages of nohup command?
A)nohup will execute the process if you layout system.
Syn:nohup &.
4)Differance b/w the ping and tracert?
A) ping tracert
1)It is check the connectivity.
1.It is packet information one place to
another place destination. 2)It is display all at a time.
2.It display only 30 hubs in tracert.
5)How to execute unix commands in vi?
6)tar dir1 dir2 dir3 and new_dir?
A)syn:tar -cvf new_dir.tar dir1 dir2 dir3.
7)How to display the ipaddress and portnumber?
A)netstat -anp
8)how to delete directory with recursion and force?
A)rm -rf filename.
9)How to Open a file with page to page ?
A)more filename
10)How to Hide a file (file name=tuxedo)?
A)mv tuxedo .tuxedo
11)How to do undo in vi Editor's?
12)How to goto 100 Line in Vi Editor's?
13)How to display last 100 Line from a file?
A)tail -100 filename
14)How to Reterive the fields from a file?
15)How to zip a directory?(/home/directory)?
A)gzip -r /home/directory

How to go to end of the line in Vi?


Display the directiory count in current dir?

A)ls -lrt !wc -l

How to display all files ending with "log"?

How to appeand data to the existing file?


How to find out the diskspace of the fileSystem?

A)df -sh

write A syntax for the scp Commands?

A) Scp filename root@ipaddress:filename.

How to display the updated lines in file ?

A)tail -f filename.

How to display the ipaddress and portnumber?

A)netstat -anp

which command is used to connect to the remote server?

A)telenet ipaddress.

How to repalce and String in vi Editor's?

A) sed %s/oldstring/newstring/g

How to repalce and String in unix?

A) sed s/oldstring/newstring/g filename

How to display top 10 lines from a file?

A) head -10 filename.

syntax for tar and untar a file?

A)tar -cvf filename.tar file1 file2 file3.
tar -Xvf filename.tar

How to display hidden a file?

A)ls -a.

How to Delete a blank line from a filename?

A)grep "^v" sample >temp
mv temp filename

How to display all curent running process?

A)ps -ef

syntax for zip and unzip file?

A)gzip filename.
gunzip filename.gz


Weblogic Bits

1. How to set the Class Path?
WL-Home\servers\bin SetwlsEnv.cmd (windows)
WL-Home\servers\bin SetwlsEnv.sh (Unix)
2. How to set Domain?
WL-Home\servers\bin SetDomainEnv.cmd(windows)
WL-Home\servers\bin SetDomainEnv.sh(Unix)
3.How to increase WLS Memory?
set minimum and maximum to same size
$ Java ...-ms32m -mx32m -> it will allocate 32 megabytes.
:Xms2048m - Xmx2048m
4. How to increase Permgenspace ?
Increase the max permgen space -XX :Maxpermsize=256m (default =64m).
5.How to Enable verboseGC?
Java_Options = -"Xverbose:Memory,gcreport,gcpause-xverbosetimestamp"
6.How to Enable core dump?
sun JVM; -xx:+ShowMessageBoxOnError
Jrockit JVM: -Djrockit.WaitOnError
Windows : DrWatson
7.How to check whether server is listening on the specified port number or not?
Ex: telnet 8080
8.How to check server is alive or not?
Ex: Ping
9.How to start Managed Server Independence Mode?
10.How to check weblogic server Process ID?
usr/ucb/ps -auxwww | grep java



11.How to check port already in use or not?
netstat -na | grep
lsof -itcp:7001
12.How to check multi cast test in cluster ?
Javautils.multicast Test -n -a -P s send
13.How to access admin console?
14.How to know the weblogic version?
Adminconsole>Environment>servers>Monitoring> weblogic version.

Go to your domain/bin
run setdomain (cmd)(bin)
run "Java weblogic.version

15.How to take thread dump?

Ps -ef | grep java
kill -3
windows: ctl + Break
Better way to take thread dump use
16. How to start the servers?
Admin server: ./startweblogic.sh
Managed server: ./startmanagedweblogic.sh
Node Manager: ./startnodemanager.sh
17.How to copy file from server to other server.
scp @:
18.How do you list the number of all open files at any given moment?
19.Do you know how to check the elevated privileges that you hold?
sudo -i
20. How to check list of all all files?


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