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Linux Commands
Linux commands
Linux commands:ls : list of all directories and sub-directories.
Pwd : Prints working directory.
top : display cpu and memory utilization
df - h : disk free space in human readable form.
du - k: disk utilization
free -m: How much ram is available.
Ps -ef | grep weblogic display all running process.
tail -50f
wc -1
keytool -v list check the list ssls
kill -9 to kill the process.
SCP: for secure copy.
vmstat: display virtual memory statices.
1)How to search a string from top to bottom in vi Editor's(String =weblogic)?
A) /weblogic
2)how to save and quit from vi Editor's?
3)what are the Advantages of nohup command?
A)nohup will execute the process if you layout system.
Syn:nohup &.
4)Differance b/w the ping and tracert?
A) ping tracert
1)It is check the connectivity.
1.It is packet information one place to
another place destination. 2)It is display all at a time.
2.It display only 30 hubs in tracert.
5)How to execute unix commands in vi?
6)tar dir1 dir2 dir3 and new_dir?
A)syn:tar -cvf new_dir.tar dir1 dir2 dir3.
7)How to display the ipaddress and portnumber?
A)netstat -anp
8)how to delete directory with recursion and force?
A)rm -rf filename.
9)How to Open a file with page to page ?
A)more filename
10)How to Hide a file (file name=tuxedo)?
A)mv tuxedo .tuxedo
11)How to do undo in vi Editor's?
12)How to goto 100 Line in Vi Editor's?
13)How to display last 100 Line from a file?
A)tail -100 filename
14)How to Reterive the fields from a file?
15)How to zip a directory?(/home/directory)?
A)gzip -r /home/directory
A) /weblogic
2)how to save and quit from vi Editor's?
3)what are the Advantages of nohup command?
A)nohup will execute the process if you layout system.
Syn:nohup &.
4)Differance b/w the ping and tracert?
A) ping tracert
1)It is check the connectivity.
1.It is packet information one place to
another place destination. 2)It is display all at a time.
2.It display only 30 hubs in tracert.
5)How to execute unix commands in vi?
6)tar dir1 dir2 dir3 and new_dir?
A)syn:tar -cvf new_dir.tar dir1 dir2 dir3.
7)How to display the ipaddress and portnumber?
A)netstat -anp
8)how to delete directory with recursion and force?
A)rm -rf filename.
9)How to Open a file with page to page ?
A)more filename
10)How to Hide a file (file name=tuxedo)?
A)mv tuxedo .tuxedo
11)How to do undo in vi Editor's?
12)How to goto 100 Line in Vi Editor's?
13)How to display last 100 Line from a file?
A)tail -100 filename
14)How to Reterive the fields from a file?
15)How to zip a directory?(/home/directory)?
A)gzip -r /home/directory
How to go to end of the line in Vi?
A)GDisplay the directiory count in current dir?
A)ls -lrt !wc -l
How to display all files ending with "log"?
How to appeand data to the existing file?
How to find out the diskspace of the fileSystem?
A)df -sh
write A syntax for the scp Commands?
A) Scp filename root@ipaddress:filename.
How to display the updated lines in file ?
A)tail -f filename.
How to display the ipaddress and portnumber?
A)netstat -anp
which command is used to connect to the remote server?
A)telenet ipaddress.
How to repalce and String in vi Editor's?
A) sed %s/oldstring/newstring/g
How to repalce and String in unix?
A) sed s/oldstring/newstring/g filename
How to display top 10 lines from a file?
A) head -10 filename.
syntax for tar and untar a file?
A)tar -cvf filename.tar file1 file2 file3.
tar -Xvf filename.tar
How to display hidden a file?
A)ls -a.How to Delete a blank line from a filename?
A)grep "^v" sample >temp
mv temp filename
How to display all curent running process?
A)ps -efsyntax for zip and unzip file?
A)gzip filename.
gunzip filename.gz
Weblogic Bits
1. How to set the Class Path?WL-Home\servers\bin SetwlsEnv.cmd (windows)
WL-Home\servers\bin SetwlsEnv.sh (Unix)
2. How to set Domain?
WL-Home\servers\bin SetDomainEnv.cmd(windows)
WL-Home\servers\bin SetDomainEnv.sh(Unix)
3.How to increase WLS Memory?
set minimum and maximum to same size
$ Java ...-ms32m -mx32m -> it will allocate 32 megabytes.
:Xms2048m - Xmx2048m
4. How to increase Permgenspace ?
Increase the max permgen space -XX :Maxpermsize=256m (default =64m).
5.How to Enable verboseGC?
Java_Options = -"Xverbose:Memory,gcreport,gcpause-xverbosetimestamp"
6.How to Enable core dump?
sun JVM; -xx:+ShowMessageBoxOnError
Jrockit JVM: -Djrockit.WaitOnError
Windows : DrWatson
7.How to check whether server is listening on the specified port number or not?
Ex: telnet 8080
8.How to check server is alive or not?
Ex: Ping
9.How to start Managed Server Independence Mode?
10.How to check weblogic server Process ID?
usr/ucb/ps -auxwww | grep java
11.How to check port already in use or not?netstat -na | grep
lsof -itcp:7001
12.How to check multi cast test in cluster ?
Javautils.multicast Test -n
13.How to access admin console?
14.How to know the weblogic version?
Adminconsole>Environment>servers>Monitoring> weblogic version.
Go to your domain/bin
run setdomain (cmd)(bin)
run "Java weblogic.version
15.How to take thread dump?
Ps -ef | grep javakill -3
windows: ctl + Break
Better way to take thread dump use
16. How to start the servers?
Admin server: ./startweblogic.sh
Managed server: ./startmanagedweblogic.sh
Node Manager: ./startnodemanager.sh
17.How to copy file from server to other server.
18.How do you list the number of all open files at any given moment?
19.Do you know how to check the elevated privileges that you hold?
sudo -i
20. How to check list of all all files?
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