Listen Address – the combination of IP address and listen port. A process can listen on various IP addresses, but usually on only one port. E.g., DB listener listens on port 1521 by default.
war file -web archieve.
EAR -Enterprise Application related file.
Difference between WAR and EAR File.
The extension of WAR file is .war but ofcourse created with JAR command only. ... EAR file contains Enterprise application related files (J2EE) like XML, EJB modules etc. Ir is also created with JAR command only but with extension .ear. EAR file is deployed in an application server
What is Jar WAR and EAR file?
WAR: Web modules which contain Servlet class files, JSP Files, supporting files, GIF and HTML files are packaged as JAR file with .war (web archive) extension. EAR: All above files (.jar and .war) are packaged as JAR file with .ear (enterprise archive) extension and deployed into Application Server.
How do I open Weblogic admin console?
To stop the WebLogic Server:
Start the Administration Console in a web browser by opening the following URL:
Expand the Servers node under the domain in which the Liquid Data application runs, and click the name of the server that you want to stop.
Click the Control tab.
Click the Graceful shutdown of this server link.
How do I change my Weblogic managed port?
To do so, you use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:
In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
To stop the WebLogic Server:
Start the Administration Console in a web browser by opening the following URL:
Expand the Servers node under the domain in which the Data Services Platform application runs, and click the name of the server that you want to stop.
Click the Control tab.
weblogic installation version 10.3.6
middleware home :"/apps/oracle/webogic10.3.6" in the file system.
weblogic home :"/apps/oracle/weblogic10.3.6/wlserver10.3"
domain home:"/apps/oracle/weblogic/user_projects/domains/domain"
start a weblogic :"/apps/oracle/weblogic10.3.6/user_projects/domains/domain/
$ ./startweblogic.sh"(Admin server starts and opening console"
console:fully qualified doman:port(7001)/console
ex http://inddlvtwlmas01.srisohan.net
to start a managed server , there is need to start a node manager before to start of managed server
weblogic home:/wlserver10.3/server/bin
setenv.sh is used to set the java path all over terminal is used.
after start of node manager (reachable)we need to go server and in that we can start the managed server(reachable).
if it is not reachable it is inacttive state showed in the console monitoring tab of dash board.
Server health Status: Warning or critical or freeze.
Domain extension can be done .
we can extend the domain on one machine or multiple machines.
what is clustering ?
clustering means grouping of managed servers.
what are the types of clustering ?
there are two types of clustering .
they are vertical clustering and horizontal clustering
if there are two managed servers resides on one machine and they are grouped together then it is vertical clusterig.
if there are two or more managed servers resides on different machines and they are grouped together they are called as horizontal clustering.
admin server:centralised server to open the console and do the server tasks.
node manager :this is an utilty to remotely start managed servers.
managed server :there is no need of node manager up where there is no managed server.
software development life cycle environment
test /qa
stage /uat/pre production
disaster recovery
testing tools
server up/down
what is sla---software development life cycle.
ITIL information technology infrastructure library
----->change management
what is disaster recovery ?
when floods or severe things happen to servers and when these are failed in our organisation then from separate backup data centers which are located in other areas or locations are recovered.
weblogic basics
installation & configuration
issues and troubleshoot.
TOMCAT integration.
JDK java deveolepment basics.
10.3.6 this is 11th generation
Domain creation for the weblogic
what are there in the domain?
there are three main servers.they are admin server,node manager, managed server.
what is Admin server?
--->this is the centralised server to do admin tasks and open the console.there after we are able to see and do the operations in the console.
what is console here?
here with admin controls and 1 machine the window is opened in the browser.
"inddlvtwlmas01" it is the short form of dns.
fully qualified domain name is used in the browser.
web logic default port is 7001
node manager default port is 5556.
war file -web archieve.
EAR -Enterprise Application related file.
Difference between WAR and EAR File.
The extension of WAR file is .war but ofcourse created with JAR command only. ... EAR file contains Enterprise application related files (J2EE) like XML, EJB modules etc. Ir is also created with JAR command only but with extension .ear. EAR file is deployed in an application server
What is Jar WAR and EAR file?
WAR: Web modules which contain Servlet class files, JSP Files, supporting files, GIF and HTML files are packaged as JAR file with .war (web archive) extension. EAR: All above files (.jar and .war) are packaged as JAR file with .ear (enterprise archive) extension and deployed into Application Server.
How do I open Weblogic admin console?
To stop the WebLogic Server:
Start the Administration Console in a web browser by opening the following URL:
Expand the Servers node under the domain in which the Liquid Data application runs, and click the name of the server that you want to stop.
Click the Control tab.
Click the Graceful shutdown of this server link.
How do I change my Weblogic managed port?
To do so, you use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:
In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
To stop the WebLogic Server:
Start the Administration Console in a web browser by opening the following URL:
Expand the Servers node under the domain in which the Data Services Platform application runs, and click the name of the server that you want to stop.
Click the Control tab.
weblogic installation version 10.3.6
middleware home :"/apps/oracle/webogic10.3.6" in the file system.
weblogic home :"/apps/oracle/weblogic10.3.6/wlserver10.3"
domain home:"/apps/oracle/weblogic/user_projects/domains/domain"
start a weblogic :"/apps/oracle/weblogic10.3.6/user_projects/domains/domain/
$ ./startweblogic.sh"(Admin server starts and opening console"
console:fully qualified doman:port(7001)/console
ex http://inddlvtwlmas01.srisohan.net
to start a managed server , there is need to start a node manager before to start of managed server
weblogic home:/wlserver10.3/server/bin
setenv.sh is used to set the java path all over terminal is used.
after start of node manager (reachable)we need to go server and in that we can start the managed server(reachable).
if it is not reachable it is inacttive state showed in the console monitoring tab of dash board.
Server health Status: Warning or critical or freeze.
Domain extension can be done .
we can extend the domain on one machine or multiple machines.
what is clustering ?
clustering means grouping of managed servers.
what are the types of clustering ?
there are two types of clustering .
they are vertical clustering and horizontal clustering
if there are two managed servers resides on one machine and they are grouped together then it is vertical clusterig.
if there are two or more managed servers resides on different machines and they are grouped together they are called as horizontal clustering.
admin server:centralised server to open the console and do the server tasks.
node manager :this is an utilty to remotely start managed servers.
managed server :there is no need of node manager up where there is no managed server.
software development life cycle environment
test /qa
stage /uat/pre production
disaster recovery
testing tools
server up/down
what is sla---software development life cycle.
ITIL information technology infrastructure library
----->change management
what is disaster recovery ?
when floods or severe things happen to servers and when these are failed in our organisation then from separate backup data centers which are located in other areas or locations are recovered.
weblogic basics
installation & configuration
issues and troubleshoot.
TOMCAT integration.
JDK java deveolepment basics.
10.3.6 this is 11th generation
Domain creation for the weblogic
what are there in the domain?
there are three main servers.they are admin server,node manager, managed server.
what is Admin server?
--->this is the centralised server to do admin tasks and open the console.there after we are able to see and do the operations in the console.
what is console here?
here with admin controls and 1 machine the window is opened in the browser.
"inddlvtwlmas01" it is the short form of dns.
fully qualified domain name is used in the browser.
web logic default port is 7001
node manager default port is 5556.
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