
Showing posts from February, 2019


Overview Weblogic Server Domain suppose Machine A hosts one instance of WebLogic Server, the Administration Server. The System Administration Tools communicate with the Administration Server to perform configuration and monitoring of the servers and applications in the domain. The Administration Server communicates with each Managed Server on behalf of the System Administration Tools. The configuration for all the servers in the domain is stored in the configuration repositorythe config.xml file, which resides on the machine hosting the Administration Server. Machines B and C each host two instances of WebLogic Server, WebLogic Servers 1 through 4. These instances are called Managed Servers. The Administration Server communicates with an instance of Node Manager running on each machine to control startup and shutdown of the Managed Servers. WebLogic Servers 2 and 4 are part of a WebLogic Cluster (outlined in red). This cluster is running an application that responds to HTTP re...


How do you deploy the web application in weblogic? We will place the war file or ear file under the upload folder of AdminServer from there we will choose the application from the console and deploy an application on to the respective cluster. Once we done the installation the application would go to prepared state for the first time when we are doing the deployment it will go to the prepared state so we have to start that application it will go to active state so once that deployment is done you can check the application by going to deployments tab or setting tab and then click on the link. That is about the deployment. The deployment on tomcat server what you do? You will just place under webapps folder under that you place this war file and then you restart the tomcat server. So that application will deploy. For JBoss you can just go on to the console one you login to the console you can see the deployments choose the file and place it on the respective cluster and then acti...


Requirement to start Admin Server example fully qualified hosts name: find the ip address which is by executing in the  the terminal - ifconfig there you find the ip address  or host ip. Syntax sudo has root access. so root access is given for the Admin account. Node Manager Node manager starts when the host is matched with the exact name of the host.Th ehost name is located in three places. they are 1.node 2.config.xml 3.Admin console NodeManager configuration properties from '/apps/weblogic12/user_projects/domains/infra_domain/nodemanager/' sudo bala vi /etc/hosts                                  |   add :hostname at the end of the hosts file   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1         localhost localh...


Weblogic jboss tutorial Weblogic tutorials Http Status codes ITIL Wiki Hand oVer Out of Memory issue


WEBLOGIC INTERVIEW AND CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS 1) Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 is certified with JDK 1.6. 1. True 2. False 2) Net installer is preferred over the package installer if you want  to install select components using only the Custom option and have access to the Internet. 1. True 2. False 3) Which JDK does Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1 come bundled with for a Linux platform? 1. Sun SDK 1.6 2. JRockit SDK 1.6 3. Both 4) Which directory within a domain directory is used to maintain its  configuration repository? 1. /console 2. /cache 3. /config 4. /logs 5. /AdminServer 5) Invoke the Domain Configuration Wizard by using _____. 1. under <WL_HOME>/common/bin 2. under <WL_HOME>/common/bin 6) What is the main configuration file for the domain called? 1. configuration.xml 2. wlsconfig.xml 3. wls.xml 4. config.xml 7) You can use boot identity files to start the following without being prompted for the admi...


JMS (JAVA MESSAGING SERVICES) → Javamessaging service is used for the cross platform communication. JMS can keep track of every message that is being transferred between two Applications. → An enterprise messaging system enables applications to communicate with one another through the exchange of messages. →  A message is a request, report, and/or event that contains information needed to coordinate communication between different applications. →  A message provides a level of abstraction, allowing you to separate the details about the destination system from the application code. The Java Message Service (JMS) is a standard API for accessing enterprise messaging systems. Specifically, JMS: 1.     Enables Java applications sharing a messaging system to exchange messages 2.     Simplifies application development by providing a standard interface for creating, sending, and receiving messages The following figure illustrates Weblogic JMS ...

Weblogic Topics

WebLogic Topics Introduction to WebLogic WebLogic Server Domains Directory Structures Install WebLogic Server The Configuration Wizard The Configuration Wizard: Creating A New Domain Starting The Administrative Server The Administration Console Administrative Tasks Setting the Domain Environment Automatically Starting Admin Servers Managed Servers Password Examining Server Status. Shutting Down Servers. Start Scripts. config.xml. WLST The WLST MBeans And JMX Administration MBeans And WLST Starting WLST Simple WLST Commands WLST Is Hierarchical Navigating WLST MBean Operations Other WLST Commands Scripting With WLST Recording WLST Scripts Sample Recorded Script WebLogic Logging: Introduction WebLogic Logging Services Java Logging API Log4j Specifying the Logging Implementation Message Severity WebLogic Server Logs HTTP Access Log JMS Log Domain Log Viewing Logs Application Structure Java Web Application Architecture...

Session replicate

Session Replication Session Replication is nothing but having the user sessions on two location for high availability. So when the session gets created on one server which is called primary then it will get copy the sessions to other server which is called secondary, the cookie will have the details about both the primary and secondary session server details,if something happens to primary server then the user requests will be forwarded to secondary server which will become primary and it will copy the session some new secondary server in the cluster. There are two types of Session Replication in Weblogic Cluster 1. In-Memory replication 2. DB based Session Replication Sessions replication can be done using memory which can be access very fast. If you want to see whether session replication enabled and which replication is being used by the app,u need to check. weblogic.xml file of the application. for example if you see the below line in weblogic.xml <replicate-if-c...


Weblogic Server Basic Components Domain Domain is a group of weblogic server resources like admin server, managed server, jms, connection pool, data sources etc or whatever the resource you know of weblogic server since domain is the basic unit you have to create after installation and everything created and configured under a domain. It can be possible to create multiple domains from a single installation and each domain has it's own resources but this is recommended only on development environment where you may want to test different applications or different customer applications on different domain. All domains are independent of each other. Admin Server & Admin Console Admin server is a central unit which is used to configure and monitor a domain resources. it provides a browser or GUI based console called admin console for configuration and monitoring of the domain resources. Admin server is also a server instance which have all the capabilities just like we ha...

Existing jks

Import certificate into existing jks file for one way ssl communication Import certificate into existing jks file for one way ssl communication Use case described: In this scenario, we will be adding a certificate into weblogic trust for one of the mail server from where OSB proxy service expected to polls mails. Weblogic trust keystore is the store where weblogic keeps the certificates for those systems which are trusted systems for weblogic This certificate would be used while making ssl communication to those servers, its one way ssl communication. Below are the important steps to achieve desired result - Step1: Before adding any keys to existing jks file, we must need to back-up the existing jks file Step2: Use the openssl utility to get the certificate from mail server. openssl s_client -connect host:port  Step3: Create a new file and paste the content between BEGIN CERTIFICATE & END CERTIFICATE into that file and moved that file to your desired loca...

Database connect

DATABASE CONNECTIVITY CHECK FORM APPLICATION SERVER(WEBLOGIC/SOA) Command : java utils.dbping DBMS user password DB Before executing below command u have to set envronment cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin source or cd $WL_HOME/server/bin source java utils.dbping ORACLE_THIN username password hostname:port/instance_name


Weblogic Deployments The process of making Java application is called as deployments. When the development is completed the code needs to be packaged and it is suppose to deployed to Weblogic. → Weblogic has the capability of understanding the deployments,understanding the technologies involved, understand the code architecture and provide facility for deployments to run. Once the deployment is successful then only we will be able to access website or application. → Deployments are as 2 types:             1. APPLICATION:             2. LIBRARY: → Applications are of 2 types:             1. war(web archive)             2. ear(enterprise archive) WAR → war is an application which contains the navigation rules or Presentation logic inside it and it is suitable for small scale Applications. Example: EAR → ear is an application type which contain...