
Showing posts from January, 2019

sh files

how many ways we can execute sh files in linux? There are two ways $./ $sh


Speed up the server now find your java security folder which is in the jre/lib directory of the respective java installed directory Go to java _home/jre/lib/security Example: cd  /apps/jdk/jdk1.8.0_191/jre/lib/security open vi Edit file securerandom.source=file:/dev/random                                                      to securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom

Load balancing

Load Balancing or Clustering? Advantages are: Resiliance no more single point of failure in the application tier Session Replication, if a server goes down your session will carry on just by another server node in the cluster. Disadvantages are: Complexity - more complexity means more risk of it not working(down more to configuration or human error than the software) Need more Server resources - more disk , more cpu , more network traffic etc... Your applications will need to use the clustering services in the container and so they need to be coded to be made 'cluster aware' Load Balancing is a much simpler setup to implement Advantages: Quicker and easier to setup No need to re-engineer your apps.


linux commands. rm -rf  <File Name>                 -------------- meaning of rf : remove the file forcefully. pwd                    --------------- present working directory. ls -lrt                    --------------- list all the files and folders with permissions. cp   <file1>    <file2>             ---------------- cp command is used for the back up of file. convention of backup of file1 rename  as file2: we append at the end of file name1. "ddmmyear_person" this is duplication of the file1 as file2. mv file  <dir> ...............> it just moves the file to the specified directory. Root this is root level modification only adminstrator is doin...


SSL CERTFICATION SELF SIGNED Table of Contents     Introduction     Requirements     Set up the Apache HTTP server     Update the package repository     Disable SELinux     Allow Apache through the firewall     Create a test page     Test the Apache HTTP server     Set up a secure Apache HTTPS server with SSL     Install SSL     Generate a self-signed certificate     Set up the certificates     Test the secure Apache HTTPS server Introduction The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world. It is also one of the most secure web servers available. This tutorial will explain how to install and configure a basic and secure Apache web server in CentOS 7. Requirements     A server running CentOS v. 7     A ...